Barrera Legal Group can help a noncitizen victim of criminal activity or a vulnerable youth obtain a green card through either a U-Visa, T-Visa, Under the Violence Against Women Act, (VAWA) or Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, (SIJS).
Noncitizen Victims of Crimes
The United States provides protections for noncitizens who have been victims of certain crimes to be allowed to live in the United States and in certain circumstances apply for legal permanent resident status also known as a green card.
U-Visa – is a form of relief that stays or prevents removal from the United States while also providing work authorization to noncitizen victims of certain serious crimes for a period of four years where the noncitizen can later apply for a green card after three years in U-Visa status.
T-Visa – The same relief and benefits granted as the U-Visa, but he noncitizen was a victim of human trafficking.
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Self-Petition path to legal permanent resident status to spouses, children and parents abused by U.S. Citizens and legal permanent residents.
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Cancellation of Removal path to legal permanent resident status for anyone abused by spouse or parent U.S. Citizens and legal permanent residents that is filed before the Immigration Court
Special Immigrant Juvenile Stats (SIJS) path to legal permanent resident status for a minor abused, neglected or abandoned by one or both parents.
Eligibility for one of these benefits can form the basis to terminate removal proceedings for a noncitizen or to prevent execution of a removal order.